Family Support and Welfare Services Ltd
Family Support and Welfare ServicesFamily Support and Welfare ServicesFamily Support and Welfare Services
London, EC2A 4NE

Appropriate Adult Services

Appropriate Adult Services

Our Appropriate Adult Services encompass assuming the crucial responsibility of serving as an appropriate adult for children or young people. This service can be provided either as part of our escort services or as a stand-alone service, depending on the specific requirements and circumstances. We understand the significance of the appropriate adult role in ensuring the rights and well-being of vulnerable individuals in various situations.

As an appropriate adult, our team members act as advocates for children and young people, ensuring that their rights are respected, and their voices are heard. We provide the necessary support and guidance during interactions with law enforcement agencies, legal proceedings, or other situations where the presence of an appropriate adult is required.

Our trained professionals possess a deep understanding of the legal and safeguarding considerations involved in working with children and young people. They are skilled in providing reassurance, explaining procedures, and helping to facilitate effective communication between the individual and the relevant authorities. We prioritize building a trusting and supportive relationship with the child or young person to ensure their emotional well-being throughout the process.


  • 86-90 , Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE
  • +447842285573

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
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